which is the best time to visit beach destinations ? Logically and on first note you will think that winter is perfect, as summer is too hot to handle at beaches. Sun is directly overhead, you might have sunburn. And that’s why you will visit beaches in winter and not in summer. That is one of the traditional reason and excuses to not visit beaches in summer.
But the first and foremost reason is the quality of water. In winter you will find exceptionally beautiful and crystal clear water at beaches. While in summer the water is very much dusty and unclean. and that’s the main reason i think you will not love beaches in summer.
So Have you ever wondered why is this ? Why water is clean in winter and dusty in summer ? Why only winter is the best time to visit beach destinations anywhere in the world ?

Recently I visited shivrajpur beach in the month of May, and I was very disappointed with the quality of water and clarity of ocean. Previously, I visited the same beach in the month of December and the water was pristine blue and crystal clear. With the same expectations I visited it in summer, but returned with dissatisfaction.
This incident has made me think why the water is so unclean in summer and perfect blue in winter.
Why winter is the best time to visit beach destinations anywhere in the world? Here i got the answer.

The Direction of winds in summer is always onshore (towards the land ). But in winter the direction of wind is offshore (away From the land). So the gentle summer waves deposit the sand and any kind of debris or scrap towards the beach, ultimately widening the beach and making it dusty. In contrast, winter waves with more energy, pick up those particles deposited in summer and carry them back in the ocean away from the beach site. This process will help cleaning the beach in winter and it gives a crystal clear water.
But Why ?
Why direction of wind is offshore(Away From Shore) in winter and onshore(Towards The Shore) in summer?
To understand this, you need to dive little bit into the science of atmospheric pressure and direction of winds.

Because Air always moves from high pressure to low pressure. Now the temperature makes changes in air pressure.
When the temperature cools down, the molecules slow down and they do not move and bump into each other. This causes decrease in air pressure. The reverse goes for warmer air.
When air warms up, the molecules in the air become more active and they use up more individual space even though there is the same number of molecules. This causes an increase in the air pressure.
It’s a common physics law that air moves from high pressure to low pressure. So with the same concept wind will also direct from areas where its colder to areas where its warmer.
Now In summer, the land is much hotter than the sea surface. So air is much denser in the oceans, and atmospheric pressure is more at the ocean,a nd less at the land. So wind will flow from ocean to land and moving the debris and sand towards the beach. Thus making the unclean water at the seashore.

In winter, the land is much colder than the sea surface. So air is much denser over the lands and atmospheric pressure is more at the land surface, less at the ocean. So wind will flow from land to ocean, moving the debris and sand berms away from the ocean. Thus making the beach clean and gives crystal clear water.

Some other advantages of going to beach in winter is you are less likely to get affected with sunburn. Heavy heat stroke of summer may lead to dehydration and sunburn. Some tiny bees or insects may bite you in summer and lead to some irritable effects on skin.
so best time to visit beach destinations are probably winter. and if you want to spend your summer in some cool places, head to mountains. some high altitude mountains have best atmosphere in summer.
Pack your backpacks in summer for mountains and lighten it in winter for beaches.
Go and explore.
Image Courtsey : Some of the images are used from pexels.
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